Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Peace keeping...

let the other be 'right'

or at least 'more' right....

when you get 2 hard headed partners together,

there can become habitual sparks,  But it you let the other be 'more' right....

there is some agreement or at least a way to proceed...

I like to observe the old Perry Mason Movies...

Perry has to lean on suspects a bit, and they come back miffed or angry...
and say:

" I don't like your insinuations, Mr Mason !"

Mason would say : " I would think you wouldn't".

Mason seemed be angry at times kind at others.

But he is only a master of moods - like most actors...

However as a Character, he is a master of the Mood harp...

He can run up the mood ladder from deep resentment and rage to
joyous laughter, in the blink of an eye...

How does he do this?


He has control of his speech, and inner moods to portray them  outwardly, to produce a result...

Mason is not actually Angry or sad or other mood he is at peace inside..
or may be some what nervous -but performs anyway...

In my opinion a missile or an army is not a "peace keeper"

Only the person who has found peace inside - like Gandhi, can hold the peace outside...

"Seek Yea first the kingdom of Heaven and all else shall be added unto you"  ... says the bible..(King James)

This is the task, the fist Mountain we need to climb,

let others be, agree with them in some way,

give up the need to be 'right' your self....

and be 'Right' in you peace inside...

practice, makes perfect...
be ready for lotsa mistakes...

and have fun...

Inspector Clouseau....