How do we write out own Karma?
you got it ~ out of the mouth of Babes...
What we say is what we get.
One of the worst habits we seem to have in america is the say it one way on do it never or whenever...
We write law ~our own law when we say: I'll pick you up at 6 PM for dinner and a movie.
Ladies - how do you feel when he shows up an hour and a half late?
How does your boss feel when you show at 9:06 am every day and then go and get coffee for 10 minutes at the machine and then have to go to the bath room?
These are breaches in honesty. In America we have a serious problem with this bad habbit.
What are the effects? In industry we see that american businesses are going out of business more and more.
What would happen if our bosses actually got 8 hours of work out of us? or maybe at least 6 hours?
But who cares about the boss ? right? well this is devistating attitude as well ... Please alow me to explain.
You say to your self I will do the laundry tonight when I get home so I'll have clean unerwear for work tomorrow. You get home fix dinner, relax and read all the junk mail then the junk email, then you friend calls, you talk for an hour, then news has the same old, same old on and ....
You arrive at work the next day with dirty undies on -- no big deal right theres always tonight...
Lets look at your main power house - the real doer in your life...
WHO is this my mother? Well may be here clone... ( I understand that some mothers now actually go into the boss to go to bat for the kid... how destructive...)
Let me ask you this.. who wakes you up in the am? a clock at radio
announcer or you?
Who digests your food? (What is guy talking about?)Pumps your blood?
Who drives your car? Rides your bicycle?
You think you do right? Well think again, Think back to when you first tried to drive...
remember the jumping back and forth as you tried to master the clutch, gas & break?
That was you driving your car then... but you trained yourself.. right?
How many times did you fall off your bike in the
What do Olympian athletes do? Do they think about every stroke in the pool? No, they just focus on the out come and practice and the swim it...
Can you see what is going on yet?
This power house the companion self ~ some call this the sub conscious mind -
OK - I
believe it is very powerful child like person or the African American actor in the "'Green Mile' the one who needed a bit of direction ~ but the one who held all of the power.
companion self can know what you can't see, like dowse for the contents of a box, or where water is underground (or gold for that matter); even what cards are coming next in a poker game. This friend ~or
enemy ~ of yours is very powerful. It also holds all or most of the emotions ~ your real fuel...
It is trainable like a dog or
dolphin, but knows that you are the boss. If you refuse to decide it will. When I was having
prediabetic symptoms about 20 years ago I could not remember where I was going when driving. But I always drove home, I may have missed the errand but the horse
always took me back to the barn.
Humm I have a friend who can actually sleep while driving - he keeps one eye slightly open ~ his companion self drives for him too. Another friend of mine reads books the same way while he drives... - I don't
recommend this by the way. One friend actually can drive blind folded in the city! The point is we are abusing our
companion selves.
Companion selves are like highly trained sheep herding dogs, highly intelligent, talented, love to play, and have lots of energy to run all day long. We keep them in an
apartment in our laps...
What a shame.
OK honesty: We say I'll be there at 6 pm or at 8:00
ready to work and we don't do what get this
WE SAY ... we tell our selves one thing and do another.
So when we say I will be
successful what is the companion self trained to do? do the
opposite or another...
You like failing?
eep lyng to yourself - your
companion self ~ can you see now how you create your won Karma? Because I said so... you write the law...
A spiritual power that may seem insignificant to the unawear and the hypnotised by Society and TV ads etc it the ability to be some where when you say so.. let me emphasize this more
THE ABILITY TO BE SOMEWHERE WHEN YO DAY SO = is a very powerful spiritual power.
Think about this "I'll pick up at 6 PM" and you are there at exactly 6 PM sharp.
Ok 1~ you had to train your self to honor your word ~ to mean what you say ~
2~ you had to avoid accidents, running out of gas, bad roads and mayb weather to get there.
3~ you had to know how to drive effectively, obey the laws, know the directions, read a map
yet you take this for granted, and place no value in it - Why should your companion self pay any attention to you? you don't honer him or her either - do you thank them? Tell them you appreciate them? Do you even know they are there?
Who digests your food? keeps your heart beating for 100 years? But how do you treat this wonderful companion self. ?
By making there job almost impossible. (NO way!)
You drink cokes instead of water, Sugar and white flower instead of whole grains and honey.
get the picture? You poor cheep gas into a rocket needing rocket fuel... get it?
Because I said so... you are the captain of your ship. will you be honest and be celebrated by all like the Enterprise ? or condemed by all like the Valdez in Alaskan waters? or simple unknown by all...
What will you write today?
Oh, yes please take it easy on yourself.
You haven't expected any decent results before so go slowly.
You will have to slowly get your companion self's attention
~ you've never even acknowledge her or him before, so this may take awhile
how to get the attention of the companion self?
simple reward and punishment. Just like training a dog.
Try this put a fat rubber band around one wrist. And if you like ice cream get that favorite one in the refirigerator.
OK You decide you will say 'I will be at work at 8 Am sharp , coffe in hand, done in the bathroom, ready to work' you may even try talking to your companion self if this method suits you.
Or you may like to be Captain of the ship and give commands - what ever you style.. here we go.
ok you get there at 8:02 today and ready to go. Ok you congratulate your companion self, have big tablespoon of the icecream when you get home...
Tomorrow same thing but you are ready at 8:07 now snap the rubber band on your wrist so it stings just a little. and let your companion self know it can do better.
get the idea. You can change your life ~ you have the power.
But you have to be honest with yourself.
Cheery day
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